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Fluent Design for Web

Don't start from Scratch.

Fluent Design for Web is Open Source, Cross Platform, CSS Framework which is easy to use and very flexible in nature. It helps dvelopers create environments which are more accesible and engaging for users.

Go ahead, get started and make great user experiences.

Feels natural on every device

Fluent Design for Web is made to provide rather native experiences in any device it is accessed on. Developers can use different classes to make such experiences and responsiveness of Fluent Design for Web means that it reshapes the UI Elements according to screen size of device it is accesed in.

Build Websites, Webapps, and PWAs

Fluent Design for Web can be easily integrated in any kind of project, wether it is a website for a brand, an app for shopping or anything else. Best part is, Fluent Design for Web is mobile first, customizable, and easy to combine with any other framework on top of it.

Packaged for Node

Fluent Design for Web comes packaged with npm and can be used with any Front End Framework which uses node and npm. It's easy to use, easier to import, and even easier to use. The package name is fdweb. To know how to use it with npm, see the package on NPM.

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